we all are something
but yet none of us are everything.
& maybe all these are nothing but just a test.
a test of how far can you go and how strong can you be, or maybe it's just stretching your inner abilities.
i don't know. but maybe it's normal to have the feelings which everyone else has.
the only thing i know is FAITH is all you need in you.
stay strong(:
a test of how far can you go and how strong can you be, or maybe it's just stretching your inner abilities.
i don't know. but maybe it's normal to have the feelings which everyone else has.
the only thing i know is FAITH is all you need in you.
stay strong(:
& I ride and flew @ 6:29:00 PM

武大很古色古香的一角。这里竟然是他们的宿舍!( photos credit to qianting )



这是核桃八宝糕!It's freaking nice!



& I CLIMBED MORE THAN 300 STEPS OF STAIRCASES JUST TO REACH THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN! 边走边喘,好像有什么哮喘病之类的。反正很累很累。The stairs looked never ending from the foot..

抵达后。。根本不想动了。Rested for a while before coming down and headed back to the hostel.
Chiong-ed 写作与欣赏 ppt & will chiong 楚文化 later on. Having a presentation this Wednesday & another one next tuesday which is the day we come back from Beijing!
&& i just saw fireworks! PRETTY! But sadly no photos.:(
I need a break. Cut off from school work and everything else.
How wonderful. 星期五,快点来吧!
武大很古色古香的一角。这里竟然是他们的宿舍!( photos credit to qianting )
这是核桃八宝糕!It's freaking nice!
抵达后。。根本不想动了。Rested for a while before coming down and headed back to the hostel.
Chiong-ed 写作与欣赏 ppt & will chiong 楚文化 later on. Having a presentation this Wednesday & another one next tuesday which is the day we come back from Beijing!
&& i just saw fireworks! PRETTY! But sadly no photos.:(
I need a break. Cut off from school work and everything else.
How wonderful. 星期五,快点来吧!
& I ride and flew @ 7:49:00 PM
Never woke up so early JUST to go shopping. Though the weather is somewhat similar to yesterday's and it rained too, it's definitely a fruitful trip as all of us explored new places in Wuhan and not just the usual chicony and wushang we would go. Took 2 cabs and there's something I don't understand about taxi here. We have to look for a taxi which plate number ends with a even number since today is the 28th of March, which is a 双号日。The journey wasn't too long, around 25-30 minutes i think. We had to cross the 长江大桥before reaching 汉口。We alighted at 多福路and went to meet mian & co. Our first stop was 汉正街批发市场or something. It's so big and it's never ending, like bugis street but bugis street is definitely not comparable to the size of this 批发市场。We split up. The first shop we went in was the shop that chonglei and cuishan started to "die". LOL. Nothing caught my eye at that place. We don't have any idea of where to go and we landed at this 多福批发市场,which is a place not worth mentioning and not worth going. And we decided to head off to 老鼠街,but we don't know the direction and we were just blindly walking. Some people were so unfriendly and hostile and a cab driver told us that it's located at some 中山路。As if I would know where is that. Until cuishan met a nice person and we can finally locate that place.

The whole place is muddy due to the rain and there were rubbish everywhere, went into the first shop which sells show's stage's shirt and many started to "die" there. I didn't. Still. I think it was only at the second shop when I saw a long sleeve shirt and "died" with chonglei. It was 85RMB initially but since we bought it together it's at 2 for 90RMB. Saved 40RMB! haha~! Ventured more of 老鼠街before deciding that it's lunch time and we should have lunch before going back!
Went to this 豪客来餐厅to have our lunch.

The meal consits of this soup,
this not so nice drink,

2butter breads,
and of course the main dish, chicken chop

and lastly the fruits! I Love the fruits!!!~
And all these just for 28RMB! ( Less than 7SGD )
Feeling recharged and back for more shopping! 老鼠街is really big, inside 老鼠街, it has 老鼠一街、二街、三街and more i believe. ( photos credits to chonglei )

Shopped and went to our next destination which is @ 江汉路。And I just don't understand why some cab drivers refused to drive us there, maybe it's time to change shift. Stranded there for don't know how long before this kind driver is willing to drive us there. Alighted at this 步行街 where it is full of branded stuffs!

definitely not my place to be in. Singyee bought a Nike bag pack and after which we went to this discount shop where they sell branded stuffs at a cheaper price. Some are really cheap. Went back hostel after which. Dead tired.
The whole place is muddy due to the rain and there were rubbish everywhere, went into the first shop which sells show's stage's shirt and many started to "die" there. I didn't. Still. I think it was only at the second shop when I saw a long sleeve shirt and "died" with chonglei. It was 85RMB initially but since we bought it together it's at 2 for 90RMB. Saved 40RMB! haha~! Ventured more of 老鼠街before deciding that it's lunch time and we should have lunch before going back!
Went to this 豪客来餐厅to have our lunch.
The meal consits of this soup,
2butter breads,
and lastly the fruits! I Love the fruits!!!~
And all these just for 28RMB! ( Less than 7SGD )
Feeling recharged and back for more shopping! 老鼠街is really big, inside 老鼠街, it has 老鼠一街、二街、三街and more i believe. ( photos credits to chonglei )
definitely not my place to be in. Singyee bought a Nike bag pack and after which we went to this discount shop where they sell branded stuffs at a cheaper price. Some are really cheap. Went back hostel after which. Dead tired.
& I ride and flew @ 9:56:00 PM